New practicing session online of Edward Salim Michael’s teaching

During this confinement period, we offer everyone the possibility of a new day of practice at home thanks to a video support. The session is free.

To practice at home when you are available (1 day or 2 half days). You can log in as many times as you like, you just have to re-register each time.

We will be supported by videos of Edward Salim Michael, by guided meditations, meditative walks that require little space and by concentration exercises, all in order to keep our attention in the duration.

The purpose of this day’s practice is to control the mind and self-awareness in the present in order to access another state of being and consciousness which is the foundation of Salim’s teaching.

For this, in addition to meditation and meditative walks, the concentration exercises offered are specific to his teaching, he invented them and himself practiced them on the path to enlightenment.

Follow this link for more information: