From the Depths of the Mists

Du Fond des Brumes by Edward Salim Michael  has been translated from French  by Tania Doney under the title : From the Depths of the Mists

and is now available on Amazon in paper and kindle version.

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In the Silence of the Unfathomable – 2021

Dans le Silence de l’Insondable by Edward Salim Michael  has been translated from French  by Tania Doney under the title : In the Silence of the Unfathomable

and is now available on Amazon in paper and kindle version.

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New practicing session online of Edward Salim Michael’s teaching Nov 2021

This year we celebrate the centenary of the birth of Edward Salim Michael: 1921-2021

From the end of November until the end of February, we are offering a day of practice at home thanks to a video support.

The online sessions are intended to allow those interested to put into practice the teaching of Edward Salim Michael and to be supported by unpublished videos. It is a great opportunity to be able to benefit from his teaching “live” in this way.

To practice at home when you are available (1 day or 2 half-days). You can log in as many times as you want, you just have to re-register each time.

The practice of this day aims to help us hold the thread of our attention in duration, by controlling the mind and keeping self awareness in the present, in order to access another state of being and consciousness which is the basis of the teaching of Edward Salim Michael.

To stay as close as possible to his way of teaching his students, the session includes meditations and meditative walks as well as concentration exercises that are specific to his teaching, he invented them and himself practiced them on the way to Awakening.

Follow this link for more information.…hing-information/