Journeys in Lands of Awakening and Sainthood 2018

Voyages en Pays d’Eveil et de Sainteté by Michèle Michael  has been translated from French  by Tania Doney under the title :
Journeys in Lands of Awakening and Sainthood

and is now available on Amazon
in paper and kindle version

more on the book

Les Fruits du Chemin de l’Eveil

June 2018

Les Fruits du Chemin de l’Eveil has been republished  in a revised edition by the author
at Editions Guy Tredaniel .

More on the French page

The book will be translated into English  in 2019.

Hindernisse für die Erleuchtung und die Befreiung

Les Obstacles à l’Illumination et à la libération  by Edward Salim Michael  has been translated into German  by Hedwig Lasinger under the title :

Hindernisse für die Erleuchtung und die Befreiung


and is available on Amazon in paper and kindle version

Obstacles to Enlightenment and Liberation 2018

Les Obstacles à l’Illumination et à la libération by Edward Salim Michael  has been translated from French  by Tania Doney under the title :
Obstacles to Enlightenment and Liberation

and is now available on Amazon
in paper and kindle version

more on this page

New website on Edward Salim Michael’s music

Edouard Michael’s new music site is online.

Discover his musical biography, and listen to all the works published or not, which remain from the period of the life of Edward Salim Michael as a composer.